Sunday 10 April 2011

How to be Become a Successful Blogger?

Why is it that some blogs get tons of traffic, hundreds of comments and become leaders in their field while others are like bits of dust floating around the internet – they hardly get seen and eventually settle at the bottom of the blogging basement?
Are you starting your new blog with fixed goals or ideas? If yes, what is it? What you want to do with this blog like you start it to promote your business or going to provide your services by promoting it. If no, then your way is wrong.

There is a huge number of blogs are on the internet about in billions. All blogger’s are managing them with a clear strategy which they fixed. It is the first step of success if you clear strategy in your mind otherwise you are just shooting blind like the blogger’s who have set their clear strategy. If you are not setting a strategy for your blog, then you are the only source of traffic on your blog and no one like your blog. Without a clear strategy you never be a successful blogger because you have nothing about the visitors needs and visitor never comes on your blog next time.

Here are some useful points to make a blog strategy with clear and fixed goals:-
1.Setup/Design your goals:- First step before starting a blog is to set the goals which you want to gain from your blog. Here is a example like a blog to promote a services of search engine optimization. So there is a need to share your knowledge on the blog and at last there is a success of your blogs goals. Are you starting blogging because other blogger’s are making money from their blogs, then you are on wrong path. Correct yourself and clear your mind because he surely have some clear goals for the achievement of this success.

2.Keep Your mind and Blog Simple:- That’s mean keep your blog simple. Otherwise there is a chance of losing heart after some time. Use simple and easily understand able content on your blog because it’s easy to set and also easy for readers also understandable for them. In this sense your blog is on the road of success just in few months.

3.Unique Posting:- Unique Posting mean such ideas and stories you are going to post on your knowledge base for the people which can help others about the business. This is the second step to of your success. Keep visiting other related blog for getting up-to date about your business. Also post some guest posts on others blogs who has related content with your blog.

4.Keep Blog Up-to Date:- Internet has millions of blogs with daily increment. Never lose your heart from success but keep up-to date your blog because people only want that they should be keep updated. By keep updating your users or visitors your way is towards then success and this is the third step of your success.

5.Comment Settings:- Allow you users to share their ideas with you through the comments. Those comment are helpful for you to overcome on your weakness because by mixing different ideas and sharing information’s about the particular topic is better than the planning of a one man show. This is the fourth step of your success.

At last the result of your clear and fixed goals and strategies in few months your blog in some where is top blogs. That is the point through which you can fulfill you desires. Like making hand some money with blog. Here your all success steps are complete. Now enjoy money with your blog. But keep post your Unique & Quality Postings.

If u like then ple follow my blog & also help to promote. Don’t forget to leave comment.


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